Effects on the Body When You Avoid Refined Sugars

The average daily sugar intake for most people is around 300 calories. It's not surprising that dieticians and weight loss experts worldwide recommend cutting out added sugar as the first step in any weight loss program. Added sugar refers to processed sugar in the form of cubes, sugar crystals, or powdered sugar, and does not include natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables.

Consuming excessive amounts of sugar on a daily basis can lead to withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit. However, the benefits of eliminating added sugar from your diet make the effort well worth it. Allow me to elaborate on a few reasons why this is the case.

1. Say Goodbye to Pimples: 

Did you know that sugar has inflammatory properties that can trigger systemic inflammation leading to acne? By quitting sugar, you can instantly reduce the number of pimples on your face and achieve clearer skin.

2. Boost Your Heart Health: 

Added sugar can raise insulin levels, which activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases pressure and heart rate. However, by cutting out added sugar, you can lower cholesterol levels and decrease the amount of triglycerides in your body, ultimately lowering blood pressure and boosting cardiovascular health.

3. Shed Some Pounds: 

Replacing sugary treats with healthier options like dry fruits and homemade salad dressing can significantly reduce your daily calorie intake. By making a conscious decision to quit added sugar, you can lose up to 10 pounds in just six months.

4. Improve Your Memory: 

Did you know that added sugar can hinder learning and memory? Over time, it can even damage communication between brain cells. By quitting sugar, you can boost both your short-term and long-term memory, and find it easier to focus and be attentive for longer periods of time.

5. Get a Good Night's Sleep: 

Sugar can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, leading to a crash that can make you feel sluggish around mid-day. Additionally, sugar releases cortisol, which can interfere with sleep. By quitting added sugar, you can stay alert throughout the day and fall asleep easier at night, ultimately achieving a restful 8 hours of sleep at the right time.
